Maple Fest

Maple Fest

Fun for the Whole Family!

Maple Cafe`

Games & Activities



Maple Cotton Candy



Visit Mrs. Thaw and Mother Maple in the sugar shack.

Sit by the fire and enjoy a taste of warm maple sap.

Many activities will take place out doors and cash/check
will be the only form of payment accepted.

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Grades Classrooms Observation Morning

Grades Classrooms Observation Morning

See inside our grades classrooms and experience first-hand our teaching methods.  Meet our teachers and get your questions answered.

  • Pre-registration required. Spaces are limited - first come, first served.
    Reserve Your Space Here

  • Open to the public. 

  • Refreshments will be served. 

  • Adults only.

Please select one class to observe in each Session One and Session Two.
Please select only one class per session.

Reserve Your Space Here

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Lantern Walk: Grades 1 - 2 & Early Childhood

Lantern Walk: Grades 1 - 2 & Early Childhood

On the evening of November 13, when sunlight is almost faded, the younger members of our school community will gather with their classes and together with their parents and guardians, we will carry our lantern lights into the darkness.

American Waldorf schools have continued the European Lantern Walk tradition and to this day, schools across the globe hold festivals similar to ours each year in November around Martinmas. St. Martin was a young soldier who encountered a cold and destitute beggar. So moved was he, that Martin tore his own cape in half to cover and warm the needy man. After a dream the following night, Martin was convinced that he was to dedicate his life in service of all humankind. A gentle and unassuming man, he brought light and warmth to all those whose lives he touched, hence his association with the lantern.

Grades 1 & 2 will meet in front of the grades building
Early childhood will meet in your early childhood class yard

Reverent walk with signing begins promptly at 5:15pm
Parking on campus will be congested, please try to limit one vehicle per family.  

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Michaelmas Pageant

Michaelmas Pageant

UVWS students and staff are eager to share the story of St. George, who, empowered by the courage of the Archangel Michael, subdues the dragon with his sword. This serves as an archetype for us all to reflect upon the “dragon” in each of us and to garner the courage to shine light upon it to transform its power to serve our highest potential.

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Fall Celebration at Fable Farm

Fall Celebration at Fable Farm

In collaboration with Fable Farm in Barnard, VT, UWVS will be hosting a fall celebration for all Upper Valley Waldorf School families, friends, and the general public.

There will be games, activities, and Fable Farm flatbread pizza (a portion of the proceeds will be donated to UVWS).

Please bring your family and friends and let’s celebrate the last day of summer together!


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Alli-Rose Collective Pop Up Sale

Alli-Rose Collective Pop Up Sale

Former UVWS parent Madelaine Daniel will be on the UVWS campus with a carefully curated collection of Waldorf inspired products.  Look for the white tents positioned near the Roberts House and the Main Building!

Madelaine has been working with an Anthroposophical/Waldorf initiative in Peru for more than 20 years and would love to show you these handmade toys created with the finest alpaca fiber, sheep wool, and cotton. The mission of this project is to raise the women of Q’ewar out of poverty and to help them build a supportive community life.

To see more about both the project and products visit: 

Madelaine will be donating 10% of her September 19th sales to UVWS.

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May Fair

Beginning at 2:00pm, the grade school students will share their May Fair dances choreographed around a May Pole adorned with ribbons, and families are invited to watch these festive dances.
Following dismissal, the 6th grade will sell strawberry shortcake for all families to enjoy, and all are invited to participate in Musical Squares, a game akin to musical chairs where the prizes for winning are cakes!

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Annual Meeting

UVWS Community Dinner and Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 18, 2024
5:00 - 7:30pm
Childcare to be provided from 6 - 7:30pm

Schedule of Events
5:00 - 6:00pm:  Dinner
6:00pm:  Report on State of the School
6:15pm:  Q&A
6:30 - 7:30pm:  "Glimpse into Grades Classrooms", presentations by:

  • Julia Pellegrino 

  • Merideth Jackson  

  • Tim Price

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