Waldorf Education: A Childhood Without Algorithms 

A recent New York Times article sheds light on the harmful and addictive effects of social media on the mental health and development of children and teenagers. At the Upper Valley Waldorf School, we have long recognized the importance of fostering meaningful, face-to-face relationships to counterbalance the digital distractions that dominate so many young lives today. In fact, we see this as one of the cornerstones of our educational model. 

In an age where technology often interferes with personal connections, we deliberately create an environment where relationships—not screens—take center stage. We build connections between students and teachers through traditions like the morning and afternoon handshake, teaching essential skills such as communication, empathy, and cooperation that are key to a child’s development. Waldorf education embraces the concept of "holistic learning" by nurturing the physical, emotional, and intellectual growth of each student—ensuring they are not just academic achievers, but well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the complexities of the modern world. 

While technology plays a key role in society, we understand the detrimental effects it can have when children are completely focused on screens rather than engaged with those around them. It is not just the distractions of devices that we address, but the deeper, more meaningful goal of encouraging real, authentic relationships. By removing phones from our classrooms, we are giving students the freedom to connect in a genuine way, free from the addictive pull of social media. 

When you visit our school, you will not see students absorbed in their phones. Instead, you will witness engaged learners in a calm, focused environment—students collaborating, playing, and building together. Phones are not present in our school because we prioritize the quiet, purposeful interactions that promote mental and emotional well-being. While other schools are scrambling to implement phone policies in response to the growing crisis, Waldorf education has been proactively fostering a tech-free atmosphere for years, ensuring that every child’s social and emotional health remains intact. 

By focusing on relationships and real-world engagement, Waldorf schools provide a vital antidote to the screen addiction plaguing today's youth. 


Waldorf Graduates Thrive in STEM